How To Start a Travel Blog

How To Start a Travel Blog

October 30, 2020

As pilots, you’ve done your fair share of traveling. Whether you want to share your experiences with the world, with your friends and family, or you simply want a way to remember all your adventures, a travel blog is a great place to do so! In five easy steps, we’ll help you get started on your brand new travel blog. First, where do you start?

  1. Blog Title

To start with, think of a catchy blog title! Maybe you travel exclusively to South American countries or are on a journey to visit all 50 states. Whatever the case, your title should reflect both what your traveling is and a little bit about you. Don’t be afraid to be unique!

Tip: Make sure you check that social media accounts are available for your blog title


2.  Choose a Host

A “host” is where your blog will make its home. You can choose from places like WordPress, Wix, and many more. Choose the one that fits under your financial budget and the one that is easiest to understand for you. For example, Wix is restricted in terms of customization, but is completely free for use. On the other hand, Wordpress can look complicated, but has a lot more room for showing your personality. There is no right or wrong choice here. 


3.  Find Your Theme

Being a travel blog, you already have some idea what your theme can be, but there is still so much room for customization. For example, will you choose a tropical layout, with beach waves in the background? Clouds in the sky? 

Tip: There are many pre-made themes available for free or paid download on different websites, so make sure you take the time to find just the right theme for you. Check out StudioPress to get an idea of what’s out there


4. Set Up Your Website

Start by making your main pages: Home, About Us/Me, Contact Page. You can add whatever pages you’d like, but try to keep it below 5 tabs. No one wants to see a row of crowded page titles.


5. Start Writing!

Now you can begin writing your stories! Your first post could be about why you started the blog, the first place you visited, or your favorite place. The important part is finishing it and staying consistent with your posts. You definitely don’t want to go a whole year in between posts. 

Tip: When you do post, be sure to let your friends and family know through social media!

By following these simple steps and tips, you can start your travel blog as soon as today!



ruma said:

Thank you for sharing a very interesting article.

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